Saturday, March 5, 2011


my dear friends, i've failed you. it has been AGES since i've written in this silly little thing. i think the spanish lifestyle of procrastination and siestas has worn off on me. except i don't really siesta, pretty much spend most of my time on facebook. so let's see. oh yeah, that little gem of a city called amsterdam. so difficult to put into words.

if you haven't seen my facebook album, you must see it. the pictures don't do it justice, but they certainly will give visual aids to these words. i'll try and help you out here too. first of all, as the title explains, it was a bostel experience. a bostel, my young grasshoppers, is a boat-hostel. This is where we spent 3 lovely nights. docked on a canal in the middle of the city, our home away from home awaited us. the rooms were cozy, to say the least:

after checking in to our digs, we ventured out to explore the city. and boy, did we explore. this was probably my favorite find of the night, confirming my belief that amsterdam, although an excellent weekend destination spot, is just a joke of a city. look closely at the bunnies:

 moving on. the next day we had a Heineken experience, complete with virtual simulation of the brewing process, the longest foosball table in the world, and an unexpected run-in with Tufts in Paris students. quite an experience, i'd say.

the next day, my mind was blown- i have never experienced art the way i did this weekend. the van gogh museum was one of the most amazing artistic viewing experiences i have ever had. i think we spent about 5 hours in that museum (although at least 2 of those hours were spent in the cafe with too much stolen coffee and nutella)

and finally, we come full circle back to the bostel. due to the torrential downpour afuera, we decided it was best to remain inside for the night for something a little more tranquil the night before our long day of travels. little did we know that when you put american, french, estonian, and english people together on a boat, shit gets crazy. in just a few hours i learned how to play bullshit in french, how to cheers in about 4 different languages (in estonia they cheers to terrible sex, in case you were wondering), created a hit single, starred in an estonian music video, and "learned" how to play the guitar. if that's not a successful night then i don't know what is.

needless to say, waking up at 6 AM to travel for the next 18 hours was extremely difficult.

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