Wednesday, January 19, 2011

me duelen los pies.

My feet hurt. That's what the title means. We walk everywhere here, and of course I thought it was a good idea to wear brand new boots out. False. I learned the hard way I guess. The Spaniards love their tapas. And cerveza. I've had a total of 6 drinks throughout the day today, and the drunkest I was was during lunch. Bienvenidos a EspaƱa, claro. We went out to a tapas restaurant and bar and ordered a whole bunch of stuff that's basically fried potatoes in some sort of cream sauce. Hello study abroad-15. Oh and I embarrassed myself by shouting across the table a word I had just learned- "chuparse" because my Spanish tour guide was telling one girl to "chupala cuchara" (lick the spoon). Well, little did I know that when you say chuparlo it means, suck my dick, essentially. I apologized to the old couple sitting next to us. Just chalk it up to being an ignorant American I guess.

After dinner we walked to a flamenco club, that ended up being super sketchy and weird. I thought I was bored but some kid standing next to us kept falling asleep standing up and almost fell about 4 times. ¡Vale! Finally, we heard about an irish pub (go figure) that has free sangria from 11-12. Turns out, it's basically juice. And there were a shit ton of American college students. Oh well. We walked back the mile and a half or so back to the hotel, all while I cried silently in pain as my feet began to die.

Viva la vida.

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