Friday, January 28, 2011

teach me how to dougie.

a familiar phrase for all us americans, but i've brought it to España! this entry will be a little weird because now I know that my host brothers will be reading this very soon most likely, but it's all good. i only have good things to say!

last night we went to a peace gathering that happens a few times a year and works to gather all different religions, cultures, peoples, etc to fight for peace and encourage acceptance of others. This normally wouldn't be something i would be interested in but it was a really cool thing to see. This is exactly the reason why I wanted to live in a homestay- you can't get this kind of real cultural experience when you live with other americans in an apartment. (Así, Roberto, Daniel, y Arturo- muchas gracias por esta experiencia.)

we drove to the peace gathering and it might have been the most exhilarating and terrifying experience I've had so far. remember how I mentioned how narrow and windy these streets are? well, imagine driving through them with less than 6 inches of space on either side at 40 miles an hour. I would have killed myself and everyone else in the car if it had been me driving. on another note- spaniards listen to as much american music as we do. Who knew that my host brothers would know all the lyrics to The Time (Dirty Bit) by Black Eyed Peas? and many other mainstream hits as well. however, in reference to the title, they did not know how to dougie (nor had they ever heard of it), so naturally i had to bring it here. let's just say I have a feeling i'll be hearing that phrase quite a bit around this house for some time. betsy and i also unsuccessfully tried to show them how to do the stanky legg but it was kind of a failure. oops. until next time...

viva la vida.


  1. have u taught em "I see youuuu" yet? Im curious whether spaniards or Israelis say it in a more adorable way...

  2. What goes on at a peace gathering? Is it a religious event? Political? Whatever it may be, it sounds like something I would definitely appreciate!

    I love your new layout! Very classy. Just like you! ^_~
